Saturday, February 9, 2013

Adventures in Food

We are just beginning our food adventures with Lily. She's 5 1/2 months now and fascinated with food. Lily has been fixated. We cannot eat a thing without her laser guided stare or chubby little fingers reaching for it.

Time to step up our exploration? We think so.

On Superbowl Sunday she got her first simple taste, celery! It was cool and she got to hold it herself. Snacking right along with all the big kids!

Todays food adventure: cucumber!

It took Lily a moment to explore, but after a few minutes she dove right in. She would watch as I snacked on slices and got very excited when I handed one to her. Granted, not a lot actually made it in her mouth, but that's not what it's about! She's all about the discovery.

Next up? Carrots (steamed) and avocado!

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