Her hearing has become more sensitive and she can even feel the movement when we dance. She can recognize the dogs barking and the sound of the vacuum, now when she joins us on the outside - months from now - these noises won't phase her a bit.
This week I saw my belly move for first time. It takes a particularly strong kick, but boy is that crazy to see! She moves more and more these days, some I can even tell are rolls compared to specific jabs. She's really filling the space in there.
Jeremy has finished painting the board and batten in Lily's room. Also, this weekend - we got a crib! We are in love with her room and always looking for a reason to spend time in there. There are little things hanging in her closest and blankets in her baskets. It is amazing to watch it all come together.
23 Weeks:
Jeremy has worked so hard on her room. He's been ever the perfectionist making sure it's just right for Lily.
Jeremy surprised my Saturday evening and put together her crib!
Awww.... the room looks great! Great job!