Monday, April 2, 2012

21 Weeks

This week Lily is about the size of a large banana! Measuring 7 1/4" long (crown to rump), but well over 10" head to toe. She's getting big in there - weighing in at almost 11 ounces. Her growth isn't as rapid as it was a handful of weeks ago, but instead of rapid growth, things are now focused on maturing her little organs. And the rest gets to go at a nice steady pace.

We're continuing to make progress on Lily's room. I say 'we' pretty loosely, as Jeremy really has done all of the heavy lifting - literally and figuratively speaking. He and Jerry started on the board and batten in her room this Saturday. The board was cut and is now hung and the battens will be following over the next week or so. Here's the inspiration photo:

(source: Just a Girl)

It's exciting to start and see her room come together. Here's a few peeks at our progress thus far:

This board, and the battens that will follow, will all be painted white and capped with molding. Now, if we could just find furniture!

While the menfolk were busy cutting and hanging wood, my mom and I spent time at a local consignment sale. We scored some excellent deals on some really great stuff! Including a pack 'n play for grandma's house! Afterward we stopped by a friends place and she handed down some great clothes for Lily. We've done quite a bit of laundry and there are officially little clothes hanging in her closet!

21 weeks and counting:

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